Locating people is not as easy as one might think. In this day of age, many believe a simple internet search will locate the person they need to find. This is not true. Many online searches spew old or wrong information. Sometimes that information is over two years old. At our firm we use resources that are not publicly available. Using our resources and investigative skill, we have a high rate of success in our locate investigations.
At Prominent Investigations, we recognize that every locate investigation in Michigan is different and should be handled differently. To locate a witness for an interview needs to be handled much differently then locating a lost family member. Our Michigan professional private investigators will go over the locate investigation with you and develop a strategic plan to ensure best results in your investigation. To request a quote contact us!
We can locate anyone:
- Witnesses
- Businesses
- Debtor
- Heirs
- Lost Love
- Missing Relatives
- Old Friends